Wednesday, July 1, 2015

"The Help" Blog #1

Book: The Help
Pages read: 0 -303
Prompt: "What emotions do you feel about your reading? Describe what is going on in the reading that makes you feel that way?"

          The book "The Help" is a very realistic novel. At the time "1963" segregation was still going on and that was a very sad time, thus the feelings puts the reader in a very gloomy mood. In the book people like Minny get treated really bad by their boss. When Hilly wanted to make bathrooms for the maids the maids felt bad because why couldn't they be treated the same. Because of this when it was raining really bad Minny had to use the bathroom inside instead of having to go outside however Hilly was felling ruthless and forced Minny to go outside. Minny of course being the feisty girl that she is disobeyed her boss and went to the bathroom inside. Later on Hilly soon finds out and then fires Minny which really hurt me because Minny should be respected and for Hilly to not show respect honestly is very rude and makes the reader almost feel bad.

          Another emotion that I had encountered throughout the book is happiness. I encountered this feeling when Minny took Celia under her wing and helped her when she was in need. Minny taught
Celia how to cook and helped prepare herself for when she has her child. One of the things that I personally think represents their friendship is a giant chicken wing. I think this because in the book Minny exactly taught Celia how to make some of her food. The food that Minny makes is told to be very delicious.

          The last emotion that I encountered so far in the book was seriousness. The reason why I felt this way was because it was a serious time considering that segregation was amongst them. The fact it had ended in the year of 1964 worries me because that wasn't so far ago. People like Aibileen were treated very harsh and rough and I think that no one deserves to feel this way because it can have a serious effect on someones thinking/felling. Aibileen had lost her son which already is a serious matter.

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