Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Alchemyst Blog for week of 23-27

  • Prompt: Is what you are reading believable? Why or why not?
          As you can tell by the tittle I have token a short hiatus from the book "Zebra Forest". I've taken a break because I feel as if I can sort of multi task by reading both books. In the book I am pretty far in to it because I had read it before and now am continuing the book. So the prompt ask's the reader that if what we are reading is believable. I think that what i am reading the current moment is unbelievable because I personally don't think magic exist and In the book there are some wizards and an evil sorcerer named Dr John Dee. He is ancient (old) and I think that him just knowing how to do magic is impossible. I honestly would love to believe that magic is real but honestly it most likely isn't. If there was I would like to think that it is more of an illusion.

          Another reason why I think this book is unbelievable is because in the book Dr John Dee can control rats. I know what your thinking "Why rats and how?". If you said anything similar like this I agree with you 100%. I think that it is highly gross because Dr John Dee made a potion that would let him taste smell and even see everything that the rats were crossing. At one point the rat's had to go through an alley where there is garbage etc and some of the rats were eating it. So in the end Dr John Dee ended with bad breath and never succeeded.  

         In conclusion I will start doing blogs on both books and start creating longer blogs because my blogs lack with length. I think I am going to really like this book because it is interesting and I hope that you do look into this book because it is very interesting. I hope you enjoyed my blog of the week and make sure to check in next week for the awesome blogs that will come your way.



  1. I thought that you answered the prompt question well, but, I think that you wrote more about what you were going to do with your blog, then the actual prompt.

  2. Justin- You are not focused in your blog. You spend most of it saying what you are going to do instead of what you have chosen as your topic.
