Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog for week 9-13

Prompt: How do you feel about this book and why?

          The new book that I have just started reading is called Zebra Forest and this book is written by Adina Rishe Gewirtz and is about these kids who's dad is "dead" and how they live in this forest that is all black and white, in other words (zebra forest). I feel as if this book is going to be very interesting because by reading the back of the book it hooked me and got me very intrigued so I do have very high expectations for this book. I am expecting for there to be some huge conflict and some sort of resolution but if there is a twist than that would be just absolutely splendid. This book is exactly 200 pages long and I feel as if I will be done with this book in a week or to. I will be reading 9 pages everyday and occasionally maybe I will read more.
          The diction in this book also intrigued me because it doesn't have to complex words but modest words. Here is an example of a sentence in the book  and that is "First of all, I was short and, if Gran was any indication, likely to stay that way" (P.2) As you can see from that quote I have not really gotten that far in the book and because of that I will have to read 18 pages tonight. Zebra forest seems like it is going to be filled with good diction and a good plot line. I will be finished with this book in 21 days and this has been my weekly blog.

I commented on Jared's blog,  I also commented on Giovana's blogAnd finally I also commented on Rebecca's blog


  1. I liked your blog Justin! I think that you should put the name of your book as your title next time. You also had a typo in your blog, you put to instead of two. I do think that you had a nice blog. You should also put some space between your paragraphs. They are a little too together. Your blog made the book seem really interesting even though you have only read a couple of pages. Anyways, good job!

    1. Thank you for the constructive criticism and your notes I will definitely re-read my article before I post it. I can also see how you were discombobulated by the paragraphs being right by each other so I will definitely have to change that. In conclusion thank you for the notes.

  2. I agree with Jared that I think that you did a good job explaining the book, even with the few pages that you read. The only thing that I would say is to write a bit more, like another paragraph. Other than that, I think that this seems like a unique book and you did a fine job on this blog.

    1. Thank you for the nice comment. :)
